Hire Lernin’: An Idealist’s Quest through the Realm of for-Profit Education – Chapter 4

A half hour later, Dan was at the lobby of the Wang Office Building waiting for the elevator. The place was teeming with people going about their business in typical harried New York fashion. He got on the elevator and pushed the button for the fourth floor, arriving at 11:50 a.m. for his first day on the job. Taisha, the slightly plump, impeccably dressed receptionist beamed at him from behind her desk. “Welcome, Mr. Amor.” “Dan, please” Dan replied returning her warm smile. “I’m here to see Mr. Lantz,” he continued.

“Yes, he’s waiting for you. You can go right in.”

Dan nodded and made his way through the door to his right, and saw Marvin walking towards him at the end of the hallway.

“Welcome, Dan.” Marvin beamed and held out his hand when he reached him.

“Good morning, Mr. Lantz,” Dan took and shook the offered hand.

“It’s just Marvin,” Marvin retorted, shepherding Dan to his office. “Come on in. We have some paperwork for you to sign with Bob, but let’s chat for a few minutes first. Then I want to introduce you to your faculty who will be taking a lunch break in the conference room shortly.”

Dan followed behind and took the same chair he’d occupied the previous day while Marvin went up to the little side table to pour some fresh brewed coffee. “Do you want coffee or would you prefer tea?”

“Coffee, please—always. Thank you.” Dan replied. Marvin poured two cups and asked “cream and sugar?”

“Black, please.” Marvin prepared both cups and gave one to Dan.

“This is really good coffee Marvin. Thank you. I taste an espresso roast with just a hint of vanilla. Really good.”

“You know your coffee. Yes, I grind and blend my own—about 2/3 espresso roast with 1/3 French Vanilla—at least that’s the blend for today. I like some variety.”

“I drink espresso all day even on regular drip coffee makers. And I always grind the beans in the Turkish coffee setting—the finer the better. My girlfriend and parents want me to cut back for fear I’ll caffeinate myself into an early grave. But better a short caffeinated life than a long, dreadful life drinking decaf.” Dan retorted chuckling.

“I wanted you to meet with me today,” Marvin said after taking another sip of his coffee, “so that you can be processed and be ready to spend the day with our senior dean at the flagship school in Midtown Manhattan on Monday. Depending on how that goes, he may ask you to return on Tuesday, Tuesday and Wednesday, or send you back to us for you to start here on Tuesday. It will be up to him as to your orientation and on how comfortable he is with your ability to absorb the procedures. I suspect you’ll be back here Tuesday.”

“Sounds good,” Dan said, smiling both for Marvin and for the coffee that was, actually, remarkably good.

The sound of a bell startled Dan as Marvin said, “That’s the change of class bell. Everyone will be filing our for an hour lunch break. Let’s finish our coffee and head to the conference room to meet the faculty in a few minutes when the students have had a chance to file out.

“Do you have a place for the students to eat?” Dan queried, taking another sip of his coffee.

“No, we just don’t have the room for that. Even though we have two full floors, they are all classrooms except for the conference room that the teachers use as their lunch and prep room when they have a free period. We, or rather you, will try to schedule a free period for everyone during the day so that they can work on their lesson plans or otherwise prepare for classes, grade papers, and also be on stand-by to cover for any teacher who is absent.”

“How many classes does each faculty member teach?”

“Usually five hours a day—five classes, typically.”

“They teach five classes every day?” Dan queried, surprised.

“Yes. Remember, this is not a university where faculty have a typical load of two or three classes in research institutions or four to five classes at non-research teaching colleges for a total of roughly six to fifteen contact hours a week. The teaching load is just the tip of the iceberg for them—especially at research institutions where publish or perish is the rule and they spend countless hours in research, writing and editing publications for highly selective peer-reviewed journals. Then there are grant-related activities, department, school and university service commitments, advisement, and so on. For your faculty, 25 teaching hours a week sounds like a heavy load, but that is all that they do. No publication or service requirements of any kind. And no advisement to speak of either. We have counselors and Bob for that—or you, if academic or behavioral issues are involved. They prepare their lesson plans, teach their classes, give exams from time to time and go home free and clear at the end of their day.”

“Do faculty have office space on campus?”

“No. They can use the conference room which is seldom used for anything other than lunch and prep time. But they don’t need it. Again, no advisement is needed as the curriculum is fixed for every program and students don’t need to make choices other than the initial certificate program they want to enroll in.”

“But Howard Green will go over all of that with you on Monday.” Marvin added, smiling. “Don’t try to filter this through a university lens. This is more like a high school or even a middle school in terms of the faculty workload and credentialing—less in some cases, as we can hire teachers with just a baccalaureate degree for most classes.” That took Dan by surprise. HR did not expect people with terminal degrees, but just baccalaureates? His smile began to fade.

“Let’s go meet your faculty,” Marvin cheerfully intoned while standing and motioning towards the door.” Dan rose, put down his now empty coffee cup on the side table, and walked behind Marvin a bit less sure about what he was about to get himself into than when he had walked into the office, but still optimistic despite a few red flags beginning to pop up in the back of his mind.

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Hire Lernin’: An Idealist’s Quest through the Realm of for-Profit Education – Chapter 3

The phone rang at 9:00 a.m. the next morning as Dan was having his third cup of coffee and thinking about the prior day’s interview. He picked it up on the second ring, his heart racing, yet knowing that it could not yet be the expected phone call. “Dan speaking” he said, trying to remain calm.

“Is this Mr. Amor?” A woman’s cheerful voice asked.

“Yes it is” He responded.

“Please hold for Mr. Lantz.” After a few seconds, a familiar voice came on the line. “Good morning, Dan. I have some good news. We’d like to offer you the academic dean position starting immediately. What do you say to that?”

“I’m very pleased, Mr. Lantz. And I accept.”

“It’s just Marvin, remember? When can you come in?”

“I can be there Monday if that’s all right.”

“Any chance you can make it today before the close of business? I know it’s Friday and short notice, but I’d like to get the paperwork started and schedule you to spend the day with our senior dean at the flagship school in Manhattan on Monday, if that’s possible.”

Dan was surprised at this and a bit puzzled at the rush, but he acquiesced and promised to be there by noon. Already showered, he dressed and grabbed his leather portfolio with copies of transcripts, and his passport and Social Security card in case it was requested by HR.

He called his girlfriend to give her the good news. “Hey Linda, remember your skepticism at my landing the dean’s job yesterday?” He asked, beaming, when his girlfriend answered the phone.

“Yeah?” she answered, with a hesitant, questioning tone. “What about it?”

“Well, I got the job and am leaving for work in a few minutes. I wanted you to be the first to know.”

“You got the job a day after the interview and are starting today?” She asked incredulously. “Congratulations, Dan, but does that sound right to you?”

“I’ll admit it surprised me how quickly they made the offer, yes, but I’m sure they have their reasons. Maybe their last dean left them in the lurch without notice, or died. Who knows? They’re a small school with a limited staff and they don’t have anyone competent to step in on other than a short-time basis.”

“Maybe,” Linda responded sounding unconvinced. “But be careful. You can be incredibly naïve at times.”

“Yes, Mom, I’ll be careful not to inadvertently sign on to a cocaine distribution facility or brothel masquerading as a business school, though I have the credentials for the latter at least as a member in good standing of the world’s second-oldest profession” Dan quipped.

“Look, just be careful, all right?” Linda insisted. “Remember the time you were approached at a bus stop by Queens College while waiting for the bus to take you to work? And the four guys in the car that stopped offered you a ‘management trainee’ job on the spot?”

“Yeah,” Dan said blushing. “I guess I just looked like management material all cute and cuddly in a nice suit on my way to work after school and they could tell quality when they saw it.”

“Joke all you want, Dan, but you actually gave them your real phone number and they called you at home the next day too. Remember?”

“Okay, okay point taken. That was stupid. But they left me alone when I told them I had been offered a promotion and was not interested in the non-specific management position they were offering.”

“And just what do you think that position was? Really, even at the time. It did not occur to you that no legitimate employer would EVER recruit at a bus stop from a car—with four guys in it? Or did you really want to become the local drug dealer?”

“They caught me by surprise and seemed like nice folk—Jamaicans, I think, by the accent of the guy doing all the talking–well dressed, well spoken. I guess I didn’t want to offend them. I dunno.”

“You are by far the smartest idiot I know. I love you, but you lack the basic common sense God gave the average gerbil. If you don’t find some soon you’re going to regret it.”

“I don’t need common sense. I have cuddly delectable you as my personal Jiminy Cricket” he quipped smiling, glad she could not see him still blushing.

“Just be careful, okay? Promise?”

“I promise. I do.” But now I gotta run. I want to call mom and dad to give them the good news. And I’m going to take the subway again rather than have to look for parking and risk being late. I’ll stop by tonight. Big hug.”

“I’ll see you then,” Linda replied. “And Dan, congratulations on the job. I mean it. Sorry if I’m a bit cautious. But you need a keeper sometimes. See you tonight.”

“Always wanted to be a kept man,” Dan quipped as he sent her a kiss over the phone and heard her sigh as she hung up the phone.”

Dan then called up his parents and, speaking to them in Spanish as usual, related the good news about his having accepted the dean’s job. His mom was thrilled—though she would have been thrilled if he told her he had decided to open a business to sell ice to Eskimos—and would immediately offer to invest their life savings in his company. When his dad came on the phone, his first question after congratulating him was about how much money he would be paid. When Dan answered, he groaned and repeated an offer made many times before to give him the money to open a law practice, hire a legal secretary and practice the profession he had sacrificed so much to achieve. He was not mollified by Dan’s assurance that this was just a stepping-stone and that well-paying administrative work would not be far off.

At 11:00 a.m., he bid his parents good-bye, told them that he had to leave for work and assuring them he’d call them later that evening. He then left for the subway station, eager to begin his new career.

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Filed under Books, New Novel

Hire Lernin’: An Idealist’s Quest through the Realm of for-Profit Education – Front Matter and Chapters 1 – 2

Hire Lernin’

An Idealist’s Quest Through the Realm of for-Profit Education

by Victor D. López


© 2021 Victor D. López

No portion of this copyrighted work may be reproduced, transmitted, or posted in any form for any purpose without the express written consent of the author


With love always for some of the as yet unacknowledged friends and family who have seen me at my best, at my worst, and have always loved me through it all, being there when it counted:

Manuel Zapata

Robert Zapata

Thomas and Maricarmen Gonzalez

Louis and Valentina Gonzalez

Gabriel F. Gonzalez

Elizabeth Gonzalez

Maria Olga Naveira Ambrosio

(And Michelle, Frank, Melissa and Pedro)

William Raynor


With special thanks to my friend, trusted colleague, and co-author

of several law-related articles, Eugene T. Maccarrone,

who was the first to read and comment on the first draft of this book.


Author’s Note

This novel is a work of fiction. Although it was born out of my slightly more than one-year experience as the dean of a proprietary, for-profit business school in my first academic posting early in my career in a manner and circumstances similar to the protagonist, the characters, locations, and situations are not based on nor intended to represent any actual persons or places. Alas the issues raised directly and indirectly about the failings of both for-profit education and increasingly traditional higher education are far from fictional. Indeed, for-profit education has grown exponentially since the 1980s and is no longer limited to small, closely-held corporate entities. And some segments of traditional higher education today—both public and private—have come to mirror the same bottom-line-driven ethos of the proprietary, for-profit market with its primary emphasis on maximizing tuition revenue, minimizing cost, and imposing ever-increasing burdens on faculty with a constant call to “do more with less” until they are expected to do practically everything with nothing and forced to work in an environment where academic standards take a back seat to student retention providing students with an education of questionable worth. But that is a matter for another novel—one I also hope to eventually write.

I should make it clear that all proprietary, for-profit education is not necessarily bad. There are and have always been good and bad players in this arena just as in any other. The one I served in my first posting was not as good as some and much better than others. I will always be grateful for lessons learned there—and for some of the wonderful people I got to work with. It was there, not in any classroom, that I learned to lead by example, to effectively manage professionals through honest, open communication and consensus building, and to use entrepreneurial leadership to successfully attain goals others said were unreachable. These skills served me well throughout my life as both an administrator and twice-tenured full professor in the public and private colleges and universities I have been privileged to serve. They serve me well still, for which I am grateful beyond words.

Victor D. López, J.D., Esq.
Coram, New York


Chapter 1: Dreamers Dream Until They are Awakened

Dan peered out of his Jackson Heights second story apartment window hoping to spy the letter carrier’s cart on the sidewalk below bearing good news. He had risen as usual at 8:00 a.m., showered, dressed and was at his desk by 9:00 a.m. ready to face the world, which these days largely meant waiting for the mail to arrive or the phone to ring with an interview offer while working on a book about public domain software that he had begun writing. A classic overachiever, Dan was undaunted by the fact that he had settled into this routine two months ago and was still waiting for a reasonable job offer that he could actually accept. No matter, he would persevere and everything would be fine.

Success had always come easily to Dan. He completed middle school in two years in a special progress class, graduated from one of the best High Schools in the country, Brooklyn Technical High School, with honors, and excelled not only in the traditional college-level math, science and technical courses that formed the foundation of his pre-engineering curriculum, but also in the humanities and social sciences. College had been more of the same. He looked forward to every class, never managed his GPA by dodging hard courses or dropping courses in which he was not maintaining an A average, never cut classes, and graduated with high honors. Both his I.Q. and LSAT scores qualified him for membership in Mensa, an organization he had absolutely no interest in joining. He coasted through law school, though his grades were only average as he was frustrated and bored by the emphasis on memorization and regurgitation of facts, issues, holdings and rationales for cases in the traditional case method employed by the law school he attended (and most others for that matter both then and now).

Dan had decided to go to law school to help people, to make a difference, and to promote justice—actually believing these clichés with the fervor and innocence possible only for recent arrivals from faraway galaxies and people whose only exposure to the law and lawyers is derived from romanticized Hollywood movies, novels, and television shows. His delusions did not survive the first week of law school. He knew almost immediately that he would not practice law as a career, at least not as his primary occupation, but stubbornly decided to stick it out for no better reason than he had always completed anything he started and law school would not be the exception. So, instead of leaving law school after a week, a month or even a semester as any rational person faced with the clear evidence that he had made a terrible mistake would have done, he plodded onward. He could have pursued a Ph.D. in political science, English, philosophy or any of the half dozen other fields that were of real interest to him in the humanities and social sciences where he could have found a fulfilling career as an academic. Instead, he chose to stay in law school and use his law degree to obtain a non-legal corporate position in human resource management, government compliance or one of the many other areas in business in which knowledge of the law and the ability to give legal advice are essential.

After graduating from law school, he took and comfortably passed the grueling New York State bar exam, though he would not receive the results until December and would not be admitted to practice until the following spring, just like everyone else who passed the bar exam. In the meantime, he had worked on Wall Street for a year hating the experience. Once admitted to practice, he prepared his resume and sent out application letters, neatly typed and appropriately listing his educational experience and competencies seeking to find more satisfying work. With no relevant work experience, however, responses were not what he had hoped for that summer. He received perhaps one interview for every ten or fifteen application letters sent out. This was actually much better than average, especially since he was not applying for work as an attorney. He should have expected three to five interviews for every 100 letters sent out, but he did not know that. Accustomed to success and with an unrealistic notion of his marketability and value, he was disappointed at getting at best a couple of interviews a month and was even less enthusiastic about the salaries offered for the entry level administrative and consulting positions for which he interviewed and which he was offered.

But this week would be different. In researching positions for which he would qualify as someone with a law degree, he had learned an interesting fact: more college deans hold a Juris Doctor degree than degrees from any other discipline. This appealed to him and he had instantly decided that rather than accept any of the unsatisfying offers like the ones he had recently received, he would concentrate on obtaining a dean’s position at an academic institution. The fact that most college deans are highly experienced academics or accomplished professionals before their ascension to administration is something that completely escaped Dan’s less than comprehensive research into the subject. Thus, his mind made up about a career choice that would after all vindicate his decision to obtain a law degree, he readjusted his resume, developed a new cover letter, and began to apply for deans’ positions from The Chronicle of Higher Education. And, not knowing any better, he also kept reading The New York Times classifieds hoping to find those types of positions listed there as well.

Within a few days of making this new life-altering decision, he had sent out a half dozen new application letters to community colleges in the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut tri-state area from the Chronicle and one to Practical Entrepreneurial Management Training Institute (PEMTI), a local business school Dan had never heard of. The cryptic ad in the classified section of The New York Times read: Academic Dean. Leading business school with branches throughout the tri-state area is searching for an Academic Dean for its Queens campus. Competitive salary and benefits. Master’s Degree required; Doctorate preferred. The only other information was an address for PEMTI at Queens Boulevard in Kew Gardens, an area not too far from Dan’s apartment. He then waited for a call he was sure would come, oblivious to the fact that the lag time between the submission of an application for a dean’s position and the search committee selection of candidates for preliminary phone interviews and, eventually, on-campus interviews takes months at traditional academic institutions, even at lower-level community colleges and baccalaureate institutions. But ignorance is bliss, and Dan eagerly expected a call or letter inviting him to an on-campus interview within a week of having sent the application.

It is said that even broken clocks are right twice a day—well, at least that’s true for the old-fashioned analog ones. And this morning, just three days after mailing his application, his phone rang.

“This is PEMTI calling. May I speak to Daniel Amor?” The woman’s husky, southern accented voice gave Dan a sudden adrenaline surge as he quickly responded, “This is he.”

“Good morning, Mr. Amor. I’m calling with regard to your application for the dean’s position. Will you please hold for the director, Mr. Lantz?”

“Yes, thank you.” Dan tried to keep his voice calm as his heart rate sped up further. A click on the line was followed almost immediately by the mellow voice of a man exuding cheerfulness.

“Dr. Amor?” The voice queried.

“Yes sir, good morning” Dan answered.

“Good morning. I’m Marvin Lantz, the school director. We received your application for the dean’s position and would like to bring you in for an interview. Are you available this week?”

“Any time this week is fine with me, Dr. Lantz,” Dan retorted without the usual response he knew he should give about having to consult his schedule in order to not appear overeager and unattractively unoccupied.

“Call me Marvin, please. I’m an MBA, not a Ph.D. or Ed.D. Can you come in tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.? We’re on Queens Boulevard about two blocks from the courthouse on the fourth floor of the Wang Office Building. Our school is actually on the fourth and fifth floors.”

“I know the area and have your address. I’ll be there at 10:00 a.m. Thank you. I look forward to meeting you, Mr. Lantz.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting you as well. See you then,” Marvin replied and hung up the phone.

Dan smiled widely. Finally he had an interview he could really look forward to. He called his girlfriend, Linda, as soon as he got off the phone, eager to give her the good news.

“Morning babe,” he said as soon as she picked on the phone. “I have some great news!”

“Hi Dan. What is it?”

“I just got called in for an interview at a local business school for a dean’s position.”

“Yeah, and I just got crowned Miss Universe,” she scoffed.

“I’m serious!”

“You told me you sent out applications for deans’ positions a few days ago. How can they possibly be interviewing already?”

“I guess they know quality when they see it,” he quipped.

“Joke all you want, but be careful. I see a huge red flag popping up here.”

“Gosh, Linda. You’re such a damned pessimist. Why are you perpetually raining on my parade?”

“Because I love you and someone has to protect you from yourself. You always see the glass as half full, and even if someone takes the time to make you see it’s actually completely empty, you’ll point to rain clouds in the horizon and argue it will soon be full again.”

“So shoot me for always looking at the bright side, Ms. Perpetual Party Pooper! For me the glass is always half full, true; for you it is always completely empty, dusty, cracked and lying in the middle of the Sahara Desert under six feet of sand,” Dan said with a tone of exasperation, yet knowing full well that she was right.

“Just be careful, Dan. Congratulations on getting the interview, but be wary.”

“I will, Linda. Have some faith in me, won’t you?”

“I have always had complete faith in you—it’s your judgment that worries me.”

“I’ve gotta go,” Dan said. “I’m off to the library to do some research. We can talk tonight,” Dan said, giving the receiver a kiss and hanging up the phone.

He knew Linda was right—she almost always was. He could be impulsive and allow his enthusiasm to cloud his judgment. Nevertheless he felt some annoyance at Linda’s harping on the negative rather than exploring the positive. She was a realist who looked at the positive and the negative in every situation and parked herself somewhere in the middle. Dan was an idealist who had a hard time accepting any reality he found unpleasant or unfair and would look for a rainbow in the middle of a hurricane, even if it killed him.

After getting off the phone, he did what he did best: turn to the task at hand and devote his full attention to it. He needed to get as much information as possible about PEMTI in preparation for the interview with little time to do so. In the days before the Internet, a library’s holdings were the only effective way to research a prospective employer, so he headed for his car to take a quick trip to the St. John’s University library to find out anything he could about PEMTI. Unfortunately, it was a trip that would prove fruitless. The same was true of his trip to his public library.Returning home that evening, he avoided going to see Linda as he knew she would harp on his need for caution and make him miserable. Instead, he called her and they chatted on the phone briefly. He also called his parents who were much more enthusiastic about his good news knowing nothing about the usual process involved in a dean’s search and, therefore, offered Dan only the encouragement he craved.


Chapter 2: The Adventure Begins

The next morning, Dan got up early, put on his best suit and gathered his leather portfolio, placing extra copies of his resume and undergraduate and graduate transcripts in it along with three glowing letters of reference from professors who knew him well and could vouch for his intellectual acumen and skill set. Rather than take his car into an area where parking would likely pose a problem, he opted to take the subway, leaving his home at 9:00 a.m. for what should be at most a half hour trip door to door. Nothing beats the NYC subway system for getting around cheaply and quickly, especially during rush hour when bumper-to-bumper traffic moves at about the same rate as the average lethargic slug. Traffic flow is further impeded by traffic lights whose timing sequence seems to be set by particularly perverse, sadistic children during breaks from biting their baby siblings, torturing puppies and singeing the tail feathers of caged songbirds on sunny windowsills with magnifying glasses when their parents are not looking.

As he neared the ten-story office building that housed what might become his first academic home, he slowed his pace as he was nearly a half hour early and knew that he should not arrive earlier than fifteen minutes before his scheduled interview. He walked slowly past a variety of small shops, that included a Chinese restaurant with about a half dozen small tables visible through the front window, a pizzeria, a check cashing place sporting a prominent “Payday Loans” neon sign in its window, a bagel shop, a tattoo parlor and several bars. He continued past the office building towards the courthouse, enjoying the glorious early fall day. As he approached the courthouse, he could see dozens of lawyers going about their business, many of them accompanied by their clients chatting on their way to court or holding impromptu conferences. He smiled at the realization that it was often hard to distinguish criminal lawyers from their clients as they moved side by side on their way to and from the criminal courthouse. The lawyers, of course, could be discerned from their ubiquitous bulging leather briefcases, but seemed every bit as shabby, shifty and untrustworthy as their charges and wearing similarly rumpled off-the-rack suits and sports jackets. Even his criminal law professor in law school fit that mold—there was too much of the streets about them, a greater affinity to their clients than to the polish and eloquence that used to be associated with the legal profession in the days when lawyers were not free to hawk their services on commercials during television shows aimed at the terminally unemployable members of society with loud, obnoxious, misleading commercials. These echoed all the finesse and professionalism of local used car salespeople hawking their wares to individuals with toxic credit histories in the wee hours of the morning.

“Have you been injured by a slip and fall? Did the police find a kilo of heroin in your car after a traffic stop motivated by racial profiling? Is the IRS hounding you because you’ve never paid taxes? Is your son doing poorly in school because he was slapped too hard on his fanny by the obstetrician at birth? Were you denied employment or a promotion because you are an unqualified drug user with a bad attitude, body odor and perpetual absenteeism caused by Chronic Lethargy Syndrome? You may be entitled to compensation. Call 1-800-SHEISTER and a lawyer will come to your home to discuss your case. No injury is too small or frivolous for us to pursue. The law firm of Sheister & Sheister is always on your side.” These commercials should come with the following rapidly-scrolling disclaimer in small print (but do not–a testament to the political clout bought by the very generous campaign contributions of trial lawyers in the United States):

“Disclaimer: we only take cases we know we can win with a minimum of effort, and then only on a 50-percent contingency fee basis. We routinely file cases with little or no merit knowing full well that judges will seldom throw them out on pretrial motions, and count on our ability to settle almost any claim for its nuisance value of $10,000 or less as the average litigation will cost defendants $25,000 in lawyer’s fees and it is cheaper for them to pay us $10,000 to go away than it is to win a Pyrrhic victory in court and have to pay their attorneys $25,000. After paying for court fees and some ancillary expenses off the top from the $10,000 nuisance judgment, we get about $4,500 for little or no work beyond basic motions filed by our underpaid paralegals, and you get $4,500 for any injury real or imagined that may have been caused by anyone you choose to sue. God Bless America, the only country on the planet in which lawyers have succeeded in maintaining the sanctity of the American Rule that prevents losing parties from having to pay the legal expenses of the prevailing party.”

After walking past the courthouse killing time and thinking these dangerous, subversive thoughts that would get him immediately voted off the island by his brothers and sisters of the bar, he turned around after a leisurely seven-minute stroll and slowly walked back. He made his way to the fourth floor at precisely 9:45 a.m.

“Dan Amor to see Mr. Lantz,” he told the smiling receptionist. “He’ll be with you in a moment.” She picked up the phone, punched a button and announced “Mr. Amor is here to see you.” She then turned to Dan and said sweetly, “Please sit down. He’ll be right with you “

Before Dan had a chance to take a seat, a smiling, short, thin man in his late thirties with short hair in an almost perfect horseshoe pattern around a gleaming, bald head opened the inner door to the right of the reception area and offered Dan a broad smile. “Good morning, Dan. Please come in. I’m Marvin. It’s good to meet you.” Marvin extended his hand to Dan who shook it firmly, saying “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for seeing me.”

Marvin held the door open and asked Dan to pass through. Dan noted what appeared to be a metal detector as he walked through the threshold, while also noticing another metal detector on the wider door to the left of the reception area that must lead to the classrooms given the number of young people carrying books that he saw walking through it. Unlike today, metal detectors at a school in the 1980s was something Dan had never seen before and found curious. Marvin pointed to the end of the hallway and said, “My office is just down the hall, please follow me.” On the way to Marvin’s office, Dan saw several small offices with people busy at work at their desks, and a large office just before Marvin’s door that looked like a phone bank with a half dozen people working the phones in diminutive cubicles.

As he walked inside Marvin’s office, Dan noticed a short man with mid-length hair staring out the large picture window at the traffic below on Queens Boulevard. The man’s shirt, though clean and of apparent good quality, was rumpled and looked slept in. The man turned his attention to Marvin and to Dan when he heard them come in. Unlike Marvin’s conservative blue tie and a pressed shirt, the man’s tie sported a cacophony of discordant colors that could have been designed by a chimp of subpar intelligence on an acid trip supplied with finger paints in all the primary colors for its hands and feet. The man immediately walked towards Dan with his hand extended in the style of life insurance salesmen, car dealers and televangelists the world over.

“Good to meet you, Dan. I’m Jerry Mason, Vice President for Administration of PEMTI,” the man said, enthusiastically shaking Dan’s hand. “Marvin and I will be interviewing you today and appreciate your coming to see us on short notice.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Mason. Thank you for granting me this interview,” Dan replied meeting the man’s smile, though not quite matching it’s size or intensity.

“Call me Jerry. We Don’t stand on ceremony here, plus I don’t hold a doctorate, just an MS in Marketing. Please, sit down,” he added, pointing to one of two padded leather chairs in front of a massive mahogany desk. ”You too, Marvin. I’ll just stand if you don’t mind.” Marvin smiled and took the seat, but not before offering Dan a cup of coffee or tea, pointing to an elegant side table with freshly brewed coffee, china cups and saucers, a matching sugar bowl, and silver spoons. The office smelled pleasantly of vanilla and fresh brewed French roast coffee. Dan waved off the offer with thanks and sat down, opening his leather portfolio on his lap.

“Would either of you like a copy of my resume or letters of reference?” He asked, looking at both men. “No thank you,” Marvin replied. “We both have a copy and have reviewed it carefully,” he added. Jerry leaned back on the windowsill behind Marvin’s desk and studied Dan while Marvin spoke. “Why don’t you begin by telling us a little about yourself and why you want this job,” Marvin added with a pleasant smile.

Dan covered the basics about his education, training and commitment to higher education. He emphasized his ability to learn almost anything quickly, his legal training and adaptability. He touched on his academic credentials and eclectic competencies as well as his ability to work well both in groups and in self-directed projects. He closed by explaining that he was a young attorney who did not wish to practice law but instead had chosen to pursue a career in higher education, preferring the intangible rewards and self-satisfaction that career offered over the pecuniary rewards available to a competent young lawyer, with native-language proficiency in Spanish in a city with an insufficient number of attorneys that could effectively serve the needs of a growing Latin American community. Dan knew but did not mention the insultingly deficient “bilingual attorneys “ whose inability to effectively communicate orally or in writing in Spanish was at once amusing , dangerous and insulting to the clients they targeted through the Spanish-language media.

Dan did not try to address what he anticipated the interviewers would ask as his weakness—lack of experience—was obvious, and he preferred not to raise any negative issue until he was asked about it. The second question, however, he did not anticipate, and it came from Jerry.

“How do you feel about for-profit education?”

Dan answered honestly and immediately. “I really have not given the matter much thought. However, I believe that college is not for everyone, and that there is a very real gap in career training that community colleges are increasingly failing to meet. Most have turned away from their original job-training mission and become feeders for four-year schools. A majority of graduates with associate degrees lack any real marketable skills and are prepared almost exclusively to transfer to a four-year institution that too often will offer similar bachelor degrees of little use for those seeking employment.” Both Jerry and Marvin nodded, smiled, and looked at each other as Dan said this.

“I have an uncle who learned typing skills from one business institute or other in Manhattan that saved him from an infantry position when he volunteered to serve in Korea” Dan continued. “He served very near to the front lines, but in a clerical position that kept him out of the infantry because of his office skills. He is a writer now and a retired high school teacher. I envy him the touch-typing skill which served him well and could have earned him a living as a clerk in any number of companies if the G.I. Bill had not allowed him to pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees through the City University of New York and NYU. I also have two very good married friends who trained as beauticians and own their own salon. He is a construction worker who helps out during the winter off season, and she is someone who survived radical cancer surgery in her late teens that left her with physical disabilities that would have precluded her from holding many jobs for which she was otherwise qualified. Both are successful, productive and very happy in their work which would not have been possible other than by attending a proprietary school in NYC. I support for-profit education because I have seen it work, as long as it is offered at a reasonable cost and provides good practical training for individuals that for whatever reason cannot or choose not to go to college.” All of this was true, and it was very well received by both Jerry and Marvin.

“You would be surprised to learn how many people disagree with that point of view,” Jerry said, smiling broadly once again. “But of course we completely agree with you, and we do provide an excellent education at a fair price. We also provide graduates with job placement assistance when they graduate, free of charge and for as long as they need it, not just help in getting their first job after completing their training.”

“That sounds terrific,” Dan said, again meaning it.

“We don’t have any other questions for you at this time, Dan. Is there anything you’d like to know about PEMTI of the position in question?” Marvin said. Dan was very surprised. He knew he had not said or done anything wrong, and the vibes he was getting from both Marvin and Jerry were all very positive. He wondered whether this was this really the end of the interview, or just a subtle test to see whether he had some intelligent questions to ask before they moved to more probing, meaningful questions of their own. No matter, he did have some questions he would like answered. Of course, he could not ask about salary or benefits; he did not need the few books on the employment communication cycle he’d consulted as soon as he started his job search to tell him that, though they dutifully had. But salary and benefits were not nearly as important to him as finding meaningful work. If they were interested in him, they would shift the interview to selling him on the position in due course and would offer as much of that information as they could to entice him to take the job anyway.

“I do have a few questions that I would like to ask. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so. First, I could not find any information about PEMTI at my local library. You are not listed on any of the resources I consulted. Can you tell me a little about the organization?”

“Happy to do that, Dan,” Marvin said, beaming. “It is a family-owned closed corporation that has been in existence for about twenty years. We have six business schools in the Tristate area, including this Queens branch, a branch in Midtown Manhattan, one in the Brooklyn Heights area, one in the South Bronx, one in Philadelphia and one in Paramus, New Jersey. Our flagship branch is in Manhattan, where the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Melamed, make their corporate home as President and Executive Vice President of the organization.”

“Is there a provost or academic vice president to whom your deans report?”

“No, the deans report directly to the school director in each school and the senior dean serves as chief academic officer, assisting with recruitment, training and support of the faculty, along with coordination of the curricular development and assessment. Each dean is also responsible for supervision of the faculty and class scheduling, as well as coordination with the State Education Department on matters relating to program development, faculty credentialing and program assessment. The director handles the day-to-day operations of each school and the deans handle all matters relating to academic affairs. They are the second in command for each school, just as the Provost or Vice President for Academic Affairs at traditional colleges and universities.”

“What is the governance structure at each school and for the corporation?” Dan asked.

“There is no governance structure at the local level beyond the director and dean. The third in command is the marketing director who works closely with the director and usually not at all with the dean. You would have complete autonomy to recruit, hire, and assign your faculty subject only to my approval as far as hiring/firing decisions. We are not a union shop, and there is no tenure system or long-term contracts. We hire strictly at will, so the only restrictions on hiring our faculty is that imposed by the State Education Department as to their credentials, training and the maximum hours that they can teach. I would more or less rubber stamp your decisions in these areas. My primary responsibility is the financial side of the house.” Marvin said, smiling both at Dan and at Jerry who had abandoned his window perch to half lean against/half sit on the corner of Marvin’s desk as the latter spoke.

“Are you on a semester system or quarter system, and how long do your courses run?”

“Neither, actually,” Marvin replied. “We have a wide range of programs that run from six months to twelve months. Courses end on a Friday, we have a graduation ceremony for the graduates with cake and punch, and new courses begin the following Monday.”

“When do faculty take vacation time?” Dan asked, puzzled.

“They don’t, actually. If they want to take time off, they can, without pay. We call them unpaid sabbaticals.” Dan winced noticeably on hearing this. “But of course, you would get one month vacation a year and all federal the holidays, though it is best if you take vacation in four one-week segments as it is hard to be without a dean for a longer period than that since we have no backup position. Your tech assistant is eager to step in any time you ask him to, as he loves to crack the whip any chance he gets, but he is not qualified to do anything more than review time sheets and deal with any disciplinary issues of students that may arise” Marvin said, adding quickly “These are very rare, by the way.”

“I see,” Dan replied. He didn’t, not at all, but thought it would all fall into place soon enough. Then he added. “Since faculty are not directly involved in the governance process, what input do they have into crucial matters of curricular development, advisement, hiring and similar faculty functions?”

“That’s completely up to you, Dan. Keep in mind that this is not a university, and the faculty are not university professors either. We’re more like a . . . high school, yes, that’s a better model,” Marvin added thoughtfully. “Faculty are not content experts they’re . . . generalists, for the most part, with some notable exceptions, like the engineering tech faculty and nursing faculty who are really top-notch. They do not control the curriculum. We do. And, like high school teachers, they have to provide a comprehensive lesson plan for each class and must be monitored to ensure that they are following it.”

“Who monitors the content and in what way?” Dan asked.

“Why, you do, of course. The modality is completely up to you. At a minimum you have to collect and keep on file the lesson plans. State Ed will review these when they schedule a site visit. And they can do that at any time. You should eyeball these to make sure they meet reasonable rigor and stick to the actual course content,” Marvin said as Jerry was back to looking out the picture window, possibly worrying about traffic back to Manhattan.

“I have no expertise in this area. Law, English composition, philosophy, electronics, mechanics and computers I am very comfortable with. I’ve done some college-level teaching as part of an honors seminar while an undergraduate, and I’m very comfortable in front of a class. And I know I can support faculty in a collegial manner. But business courses and office technology courses I know absolutely nothing about.”

“No problem, Dan.” Marvin reassured Dan with a smile and wave of the hand, “One of the things that attracted us to your application is the depth of your skill set. You’re something that’s very rare these days—a true Renaissance man still in his 20s with really diverse competencies and interests. That will serve you well. The law degree helps too, in other ways, as you will need familiarity with HR regulations, the Civil Rights Acts, and other federal and state employment laws and regs in hiring and supervising faculty and support staff. You would also be responsible for counseling and discipline issues with students, so a law degree is a definite plus from a risk management perspective for us there, too.”

“I see,” Dan said again, a highly optimistic and less than accurate statement at best.

At this, Jerry turned away from his close examination of traffic patterns and turned to Dan. “We think you have all the skills that will allow you to excel here. Moreover, our Senior Dean in the Manhattan school is an Ed.D. and would be available to answer any specific questions you may have. In fact, if you were to be our next dean, you would spend a couple of days in our flagship school with Dr. Green for training.”

“That sounds good,” Dan said, brightening somewhat at the prospect of having some expert support to ease him into the transition if, as he was beginning to suspect, he were offered the job.

“Now to brass tacks.” Jerry continued. “The job offers comprehensive life, health, dental, eye-care and prescription drug coverage through Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Metropolitan Life. It is a self-directed POS plan where you can go anywhere you like, unlike some cheap HMO.” All of that was true, as Dan would eventually learn. “As to salary, we were looking to bring in someone at under $25,000, but because of your doctorate and credentials, we could offer you $30,000 plus a very generous pension plan that will match dollar for dollar your elected contribution up to 10 percent of your salary. Only our execs get the health and retirement plan, by the way.

The salary was more or less a joke, even in 1987. But for Dan, who through scholarships, part-time and summer work and fiscally sound planning owed only $10,000 in student loans for his entire seven year undergraduate and graduate education, money was not a major consideration. He was single, and had modest needs, and gaining valuable experience in a position where he could make a difference for others was a very appealing prospect. So he smiled and said nothing.

“We intend to make a decision shortly and would like to have a new dean in place within a couple of weeks at most,” Jerry noted. If we were to make you an offer, would you be available in that time frame?”

“I could start immediately,” Dan said, knowing that might make him appear overeager. But he did not like to play games and had no interest in giving the appearance that he was weighing other offers as that was not the case, or of using that appearance to exact a larger salary offer. He was sure that once on board any company, he would work hard and prove himself a valuable employee and would in turn be appropriately rewarded for his efforts in time. He was patient, confident and eager to begin a new career path where he could get the priceless intangible rewards of meaningful work.

“That’s just fine,” Jerry retorted as Marvin smiled benignly. “I need to leave now,” he added, “I’m sure Marvin will give you the grand tour. Good meeting, you, Dan, and we’ll be in touch,” with that, he shook Dan’s hand, nodded at Marvin and walked out the door with all the eagerness and grace of a third grader on a sugar high going out to recess.”

“Can I give you the nickel tour?” asked Marvin with his easy smile and somewhat glazed look.

“That would be great, thank you,” Dan said getting up. Marvin led the way back down the long corridor, this time stopping at the last office on the left just before the reception area. A bearded man with longish, thinning brown hair and gold-rimmed glasses stared up from his computer monitor as Marvin peered in. Bob, I’d like you to meet one of our dean candidates, Dan Amor. Dan, this is Bob Wiener, our Director or Human Resources and also our Placement Director. Bob got up, and extended his hand to Dan. “Nice to meet you, Dan.”

“Likewise,” Dan responded shaking Bob’s hand.

“We’re a small operation, so Bob does double duty. We’re lucky to have him,” Marvin said, smiling beatifically.

“Twice the work at half the pay, that’s the PEMTI way!” Bob replied as if reciting a jingle, chuckling, and momentarily making Marvin’s smile disappear, only to quickly and brightly return as the sun emerging from a fast-moving puffy cloud over a field of pretty red poppies.

“He’s such a kidder,” Marvin said. “But he is the best resource for our graduates, most of whom owe their jobs to his hard work and many contacts.” That was a true statement. And Dan immediately liked the man He also liked Marvin who seemed a genuinely nice person to him.

“That’s me,” Bob chimed in, “People pusher extraordinaire.” He chortled again good naturedly as Marvin smiled on. “I hope we’ll have a chance to work together, Dan,” Bob added. “Good luck!”

“Thanks, Bob. It was really nice meeting you. And I hope so too.”

With that, Bob went back to his desk and Marvin led Dan out towards the reception area to the hospital-style double swinging doors with the words “To Classrooms” stenciled in black letters above the small window in each door. They passed through to a long, fairly narrow hallway with windowed doors and extra-large windows that gave the place the look of an aquarium—or the large displays of giant octopi atop sperm whales and life-size dioramas of prehistoric humans hunting, building grass huts or just looking lost amid hip-high grassland at the Metropolitan Museum of Natural History.

“We’re lucky that classes are in session right now, so we can observe the faculty and students without the class change hubbub,” Marvin said. “To the left is our nursing-assistant training lab. They stopped by the large picture window and observed about a dozen students practicing catheterization on male and female practice dummies—anatomically correct partial mannequins of a male and female lower torsos cut off at the waist and about a foot above each knee, making for a rather gruesome but cost effective practice tool. Dan winced visibly as a student practiced inserting a plastic tube in the anatomically correct penis of the male mannequin under the guidance of the nursing instructor. All wore white lab coats and several looked up smiling as they noticed the observers. Marvin then moved on.

“To the right, you’ll see our electronics lab.” They stopped by the next picture window to see about twenty students circling around a large shop table, soldering components while a distinguished tall, thin gentleman in a dark business suit sporting a neatly trimmed beard lectured, pointing to a blackboard with a circuit board. “They’re building a regulated power supply that powers a D.C. motor,” Dan said smiling.

“How do you know that?” Marvin asked, puzzled.

“The diagram on the blackboard–It shows a step-down transformer and dual capacitors connected to a D.C. motor.” Dan said. “They may be making a personal fan or similar project. I hope they wound their own coils for the D.C. motor and created their own breadboard circuit, otherwise it’s not much of a learning experience,” Dan added with a smile.

“I don’t have a clue. But Mr. Singh is an excellent electrical engineer and one of our finest teachers. I’m sure they’re getting a lot out of the lesson.”

“Maybe it’s a power supply for a computer with a cooling fan. Yes, that sounds right. A good way to introduce them to electricity or to basic computer repair, for that matter. Is that what they do here?”

“We train electronic technicians that can work on the emerging personal computer technology as well as basic electronics repair. They are technician-generalists,” Marvin answered.

“Where do they get jobs?”

“Bob can answer those questions for you in detail in due course. But I believe he places these graduates in electronic assembly companies and, more recently, in the emerging computer manufacturing and repair industries. He has been able to place almost all graduates from this program to date—the same as our nursing-assistant students, as these are both growth fields.”

“How long are there programs?”

“Both of these run for 12 months,” Marvin answered.

“They can get real job training that leads to good jobs in just one year?”

“They sure can. And they qualify for federal student loans and TAP and PEL grants, so it is an affordable investment for them,” Marvin said, adding, “The remaining classrooms are traditional classrooms, typing labs and computer labs.”

They continued past several classrooms, stopping briefly to see students listening to lectures on Business English, Accounting, Business Math and Business and Personal Finance. Each room held approximately 30-40 students. Next came two typing labs with I.B.M. Selectric typewriters, the preferred business typewriter of its day, and two labs of Apple IIe computers. Even in 1987, these were not state of the art. Dan could not help but ask, “Why are you using the older Apple IIe computers instead of the new Mac or IBM PC computers?”

“We feel it does not really matter what platform students use to learn the basic skills of word processing, spreadsheets or database management—or to practice typing on a computer. We are not training students who know WordStar, DataStar or Lotus 1-2-3, but rather students who are familiar with the basic word processing, spreadsheet and database concepts so that they can easily be trained in any current or future flavor of these programs by their employers. No matter what platforms emerge, the students will be able to adapt because they know the concepts. In a world where the average employee does not know how to turn on a computer, our graduates have a real leg up because they are familiar with basic concepts.” That seemed questionable to Dan who had recently build his own first IBM-PC compatible computer from parts and taught himself DOS, Word Star, DataStar, Lotus 1-2-3 and WordPerfect without the benefit of formal training or user-friendly manuals. Knowing basic concepts was important when the PC and Apple computers were still in their infancy. But students should also know how to use the most current application software used in business in order to be truly attractive to employers, he thought. Word Perfect for DOS had overtaken WordStar as the DOS word processor of Microsoft Word for DOS had not yet been developed. The Mac was in its infancy and not generally used in business as yet, let alone the older Apple II computers. Dan did not want to press the issue. If he were offered the job, however, that is something he would immediately work to change.

“Our students learn more that is of use in the business world in six to twelve months with us than they do in any four-year baccalaureate degree,” Marvin continued. “Computerized Office Specialist program is very popular and is also our most profitable.”

“Do you offer any programs of short duration to train students in specific programs or platforms, such as WordPerfect and Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS?”

“No, not at present. But that is something we would certainly be open to in the future. We’re not locked into the curriculum.”

That was a relief, Dan thought. There was certainly room for improvement just from what he could see in this very brief tour. “How many full time faculty do you have on staff right now?” Dan asked as they continued to walk and observe each classroom in turn.

“Fourteen,” Marvin answered. “And we’re proud to say that all of our faculty are full time—we have no adjuncts here.” That surprised Dan, and he took it to be a good sign.

As the tour came to an end, Marvin escorted Dan back to the reception area where he shook his hand and assured him that he would be in touch within a week, whether he was offered the job or not. Dan thanked him and left, uplifted by the possibilities of a new career, and thinking that he had an excellent chance of being offered the job at a place he knew he could make a real difference.

On the way to the subway station, Dan could hardly contain his enthusiasm. The salary offered was very disappointing, but the chance to change students’ lives for the better enormously appealed to him. He had always believed in the traditional mission of community colleges and technical schools of providing practical job training. Understanding the difference between Plato and Aristotle and their impact on all of Western philosophy for more than two thousand years expands the mind, as does reading, seeing or performing a Shakespeare play or spending a glorious semester reading the British Romantic poets. A liberal arts education is crucial for any well-rounded professional and can expand the mind and increase one’s appreciation of life in general in ways that are impossible to quantify. But introductory courses on American literature, sociology, poetry, music appreciation, and archaeology will not put food on the table. For someone who either due to lack of interest, lack of capacity or lack of funds cannot complete four or more years of college and must obtain marketable skills that allow him/her to furnish the essentials of life for themselves and their family, a liberal arts degree—especially a two year degree—is about as useful as teeth on a chicken. On the other hand, learning office skills, basic bookkeeping, business communications, business math, and application software used in business can help someone get a good office support position in relatively short period of time—two years or less. Likewise, learning a trade such as plumber, electrician, truck driver, hair dresser, carpenter, mason, welder, auto mechanic and any number of other blue collar jobs can provide an excellent salary and the ability to start one’s own business if one is so inclined. And it can also be done in two years or less for many of these trades—some of which will pay as much as $100 an hour even to newly minted professionals. Dan knew this because he had a cousin who today would have been diagnosed with ADD who struggled with truancy and serious behavioral issues throughout much of his school years and beyond, and, though he had poor reading and writing skills, he always made a good living thanks to his practical training that allowed him to have more work than he could ever manage as a private contractor working for himself. Dan wanted to give to others a similar opportunity at a good life of honest, well-paying work that could dramatically change lives for the better. And he was thrilled at the prospect of being in a position to facilitate that opportunity for others.

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Filed under Books, New Novel

Two of my books now complete on royal road in English and Spanish versions–read them free (no account needed)

You can access my unabridged novel and book of short stories for a limited time (at least through the end of August) on Royal Road at https://www.royalroad.com/profile/368939/fictions.

This novel involves the bittersweet journey of a young, idealistic, naïve attorney who takes on the role of academic dean at a for-profit business school in New York City in the late 1980s knowing very little about the industry. Unable to accept the way things are, he immediately launches into a personal quest to change lives for the better in an environment where only the bottom-line matters. Hard work and an entrepreneurial spirit quickly propel him to professional success, but at a deep personal cost in the process as he learns critical life-altering lessons about himself, about leadership, about for-profit and not-for-profit higher education, and about love.

This book is a compilation of 13 contemporary science fiction and speculative fiction short stories that extends from the innermost dimensions of the mind to the outer reaches of the universe. The stories touch on both timeless and novel themes including philosophical questions as to the meaning of life, the nature of reality, the power of love, and the superlative strength and wrenching weakness of the human spirit. The stories in this collection can be difficult to classify as they touch on a variety of themes, literary styles and genres that include hard and soft science fiction, mild horror, humor, romance and literary fiction in both traditional and unusual combinations. Several of the stories in this collection can be classified as “dark fiction” that pose all too disturbingly feasible ways for human beings to destroy themselves through bad decisions–and perhaps even our corner of the universe. But these are tempered with humor and with the hope that springs from humanity’s ability to cheat fate through its ingenuity–and, more importantly, to learn from its mistakes. TI hope this collection will both entertain and leave the reader thinking long after she/he puts down the book.

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Filed under Books, ciencia ficcion, Fiction, free books, General, Libro, libro de cuentos, New Novel

My complete novel and book of short stories are now free online through the end of August (in both English and Spanish versions)

You can access complete versions of both books for free online reading (the Spanish versions are my first complete drafts) at https://www.royalroad.com/profile/368939/fictions. Readings of eearly chapters (and of much more) are also available through my free Spotify podcasts at https://open.spotify.com/show/1zgnkuAIVJaQ0Gb6pOfQOH.

I’ve also just given my main site a new look (work in progress) at https://victordlopez.com.

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Filed under Books, New Novel, short story collection

My complete novel and latest book of short stories are now available free on Royal Road

I completed reformatting and posting complete versions of my short story collection, Echoes of the Mind’s Eye and my novel, Hire Lernin’ on Royal Road where readers can read them free of charge. Both are also available in a new translation into Spanish on the site, though the Spanish version of the novel is still an ongoing project with about five more chapters for me to translate as I turn to more pressing work for my day job.

The novel involves a young lawyer who ends up as academic dean of a for-profit business school in the late 1980’s knowing next to nothing about the industry. Although the novel is a work of fiction, it closely echoes my own experience in circumstances not too different from those faced by theprotagonist. In fiction and in fact, it was a life-altering experience dealing
with a segment of higher education that the general public knows very little about but should. As I hope is true of much of my fiction, I hope to entertain my readers with humor, drama, romance, and all many of strengths and weaknesses that flesh is heir to. But I also hope to also inform them about important issues and aspects of the human condition that leave them with some food for thought about things that matter–both big issues and small–when the reading is done.

The short story collection includes an eclectic mix of 13 speculative fiction short stories (some of near novella length and others a sort of expanded flash fiction, ranging that reflect my soft eclectic tastes–hard and soft science fiction, psychological fiction, romance, philosophical fiction, mild horror, metaphysical fiction, and much else in between.

If you have not read my fiction or poetry before, and especially if you happen to be familiar with any of my non-fiction, I think you will be surprised and hope you will find at least some of it strikes a responsive chord. Although these books (and others) are available through most booksellers, it was never my intent or delusion that they would be money-makers. I get no payment of any kind from Royal Road, but it is a site I like, and I just want these two books to find a new audience as I do not advertise, pay for reviews, trade reviews, or use sock puppets to create fake reviews and therefore they will never be featured high on any bookseller’s site. If you like them or know someone who might enjoy fiction a bit off the beaten path, in English or Spanish, please point them to the link below. Registering on Royal Road, although free, is not necessary to read works posted there unless you want to leave comments, ratings, or a review. The fiction posted there is generally very different from my own (fantasy, LitRPG, etc.) but I’ve still had thousands of reads across both books in shy of three weeks that I began posting there. Ironically, the Spanish version of my book of short stories is doing even better than the original English version, but the reverse is true of the novel. (Translations are rare on the site, and I expected very few reads when I started posting them alongside the English originals.)

Very few read my posts here, but this is a pleasant project for me, and taking breaks from “real work” is always welcomed. You can access my books on Royal Road at https://www.royalroad.com/profile/368939/fictions. And, as always, thank you for your support.


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Filed under Books, ciencia ficcion, cuento, free books, General, libro de cuentos, literary fiction, New Novel, science fiction, short story collection, Writing

You can now read free of charge my novel and latest book of short stories in serialized form at Royal Road.

Just a quick update to let readers know that I am posting a newly formatted, serialized version of my novel, Hire Lernin’, and my latest book of speculative fiction short stories on Royal Road. You do not need to register for a free account there to read all chapters. So far I have posted 30 chapters from my book (the chapters are reformatted into a more appropriate length for online reading but are otherwise the same from their hard cover and paperback versions sold through most booksellers). The short story collection, Echoes of the Mind’s Eye, includes various short stories from the book so far ranging from 1,000 to more than 10,000 words in length, with the longer stories provided in various parts.

I am also translating and posting Spanish versions of both the novel and short story collections as time permits. My intention is to post the entire content of both books, though I cannot continue to devote as much time as I have this month to the project going forward as I have more pressing work on my back burners. These are not and will not be monetized by me. I just want to be able to attract new readers not familiar with my fiction. (I also do not receive any income or have any say over banner ads which readers can avoid by becoming premium members of RR.

You can access the English original and Spanish translations of these and, if so inclined, leave feedback or ratings at Royal Road. The direct link to my posted fiction is available by clicking here. Please feel free to forward this post or the Royal Road link to anyone you think may find it of interest. I for one was surprised by the fact that I have significantly more reads for the Spanish version of my short story than for the English version since I began posting chapters about two weeks ago (865 vs. 700) but the novel is doing better with English readers than Spanish ones (1175 vs. 659). At any rate, nearly 200,000 words posted so far combined, and I do hope you will consider sampling these if you are not already familiar with either.

Thank you!

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Filed under Books, Fiction, free books, libro de cuentos, New Novel, short story collection, Writing

Modern Art and the Critics – Short story reading

The following link is to my Spotify podcast of one of the 13 short stories in my Echoes of the Mind’s Eye collection.

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Filed under author readings, Books, Fiction, Podcasts, short story collection, Short story reading

Beauty Withers Not

Beauty withers not,
Winter turns to verdant spring,
In hearts filled with love.

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Filed under author readings, Poetry, Poetry Readings

The Road Not Taken

The road not taken,
Yields incomparable views,
In rear view mirror.

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Filed under author readings, Poetry, Poetry Readings


Pink blossoms raise hearts,
After long winter’s slumber,
Bird songs herald dawn.

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Filed under author readings, Poetry, Poetry Readings

Alleluia (Three linked haikus on Easter Sunday)

Thank you, oh sweet Lord,
For your selfless sacrifice,
To expiate sin.

Unworthy we are,
Yet you love us still, each one,
Died that we may live.

You are risen, Lord,
That our souls might rise as well,
Beyond death’s dark veil.

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Filed under author readings, Podcasts, Poetry

On Crime

Fiction comes alive,
Dystopian visions thrive,
In Cities world wide.

A Clockwork Orange,
Lord or the Flies, Brave New World,
Nineteen Eighty Four.

Animal Farm and,
Fahrenheit Four Fifty One,
All have come to pass.

And they will perdure,
If we defend what’s clearly,

Feed a hungry beast,
It will grow and it will thrive,
And eat you alive.

Likewise criminals,
Who thrive when no consequence,
Attach to their crimes.

When crimes are excused,
And criminals deemed victims,
What should we expect?

Poverty, racism,
Broken homes, addiction, vice,
Contribute to crime.

But crime’s true root cause,
Is immoral criminals,
And their enablers.

Moral compass lost,
Confident blind fools lead us,
On perdition’s road.

When did we forget,
That the road to hell is paved,
With good intentions?

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Kiss a Babbling Brook

Kiss a babbling brook,
It will gladly quench your thirst,
With crisp, clear water.

Kiss raging rapids,
You’ll be crushed against the rocks,
And drown, thirst unquenched.

Calm waters sustain,
Turgid ones excite us more,
Danger always does.

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Filed under author readings, Poetry, Poetry Readings

I Am Unworthy, Lord

I am unworthy, Lord,
And yet You love me.

I am a sinner,
And yet may be redeemed.

I try to walk in the light,
And yet at times walk in darkness.

I fight despair,
And yet it lives in me.

I know that I know nothing,
And yet I am not wise.

I know the best in me lies buried,
And yet it may still rise.

I know hope is a dream,
And yet it will not die.

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My Simple Plea

While there is life, there’s hope, Spaniards do say,
What good is life, though, when all hope is gone?
With our hearts breaking, we can nightly pray,
Try to ignore reason’s call to move on.

Faith for a time can keep our hope alive,
Drown out despair’s compelling siren’s song,
Until the sands of time slowly contrive,
To wear to nothing that which once was strong.

And yet I cling to that thin, fading dream,
That all might yet be well for those I love,
For no one knows what will flow in life’s stream,
Known only to the mind of God above.

Please help her, God, and all I love in need,
Please, dearest Lord, I beg you, intercede.

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Here are the links to the final two parts to my Unsung Heroes poem

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Filed under author readings, Podcasts, Poetry, Poetry Readings

New readings from my Unsung Heroes poem

I just recorded and posted the first four parts of my Unsung Heroes poem about my four grandparents. The original poem was first printed in my Of Pain and Ecstasy poetry collection. Over the next few days I will try to record and post the last two parts of the poem bout my parents from my Echoes of Dawn at Dusk collection. You can hear these by clicking on the Spotify links below.

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New Year’s (Non) Resolution – Revisited

No resolution,
Not this year, last, or ever,
Ephemeral these.

No self-delusion,
Setting goals I will not reach,
Or safe, easy ones.

I’m a common man,
Who will do his best daily,
To do what is right.

And knows he will fail,
At times despite his effort,
To walk in the light.

Beloved dead watch,
Love me still despite my faults,
For them I must try.

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I Am Unworthy, Lord

I am unworthy, Lord,
And yet You love me.

I am a sinner,
And yet may be redeemed.

I try to walk in the light,
And yet at times walk in darkness.

I fight despair,
And yet it lives and thrives.

I know that I know nothing,
And yet I am not wise.

I know the best in me lies buried,
And yet it may still rise.

I know hope is a dream,
And yet it will not die.

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Filed under Poetry

A Holiday Message (sonnet)

The holidays approach with quiet grace,
Floating above the merchandising din,
Their spirit fills our hearts, their proper place
Displacing hate, greed, envy, and all sin.

Whether you worship Jesus, as I do,
Allah, YHWH, or other Deity,
That teaches justice, honor, all things true,
We are family joined in piety.

Those who would divide us worship no god,
They worship power, seek not grace or truth,
They sow the seeds of hate on fertile sod,
The minds of fools and our innocent youth.

I bid you peace in all your holidays,
May God’s light burn true paths through evil’s haze.

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On Veterans Day (2022)

On Veterans Day

Some came back home with scars that would not heal,
Some were welcomed with ticker tape parades,
Some spit upon by cowards with much zeal,
Some draped in flags to rest in early graves.

They fought in all our wars asking not why,
For country, family, brothers in arms,
They fought that freedom should not, would not die,
They fought in cities, forests, fields and farms.

They bought our freedom with their sacrifice,
Paid with their blood, their limbs, their innocence,
They sought not thanks, though no thanks could suffice,
As payment for their great munificence.

Remember them, today and every day,
For those who live and all who died please pray.

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Filed under Poetry Readings, sonnet

Poetry Readings

Below are a few links to podcasts featuring readings of some of my newer poems that I hope you will like.

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Filed under author readings, Poetry, Poetry Readings

End of Days — Free until July 4, 2022

This is by far the most disturbing and also quite possibly prescient short story from my Echoes of the Mind’s Eye collection. It features a novel theory of cosmology to explain both the creation and extinction of universes in what I term the omniverse–the root source of the infinite number of universes contained in what is most often referred to as the multiverse. The short story traces precisely how our universe began with The Big Bang and how both our world and eventually our corner of the multiverse will end due to a series of events that have recently begun to unfold aided and abetted by scientific hubris and well-funded jihadist terrorists. The end is very near, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it.

Incidentally, this is the only thing I have ever published that actually angered my wife to the point she refused to read it to the end or discuss it with me. I suspect it is because the misdirection of a snarky, humorous beginning did not prepare her for the all too plausible climax of the story. Like most all of my short fiction (and my novel), there are layers of meaning and I hope significant food for thought that can sometimes be difficult to digest. I have to admit that the plausibility of my end of the world scenario scares me too unlike anything else I’ve written. But poking one’s head in the sand will not shield us from danger any more than crossing a busy highway with our eyes closed will shield us from the oncoming cars. And even if this short story is, in fact, prescient, it is not devoid of hope. But, chances are, it’s just a story.

You can download it free until July 4, 2022 by clicking here. And if you read this after the deadline for free downloads has passed, no worries. You can read both this complete short story and as well as a portion of a second, Amor Vincit Omnia, free at any time by clicking the “Look Inside” option in the book’s Amazon page (click here) or the preview option at most book retailers.


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Filed under Books, free books, science fiction, short story collection

Free download of my Echoes of Dawn at Dusk book of poems until June 20 and a teaser sonnet

I am making the eBook versions of my latest book of poems free to download through June 20. Poems include free verse, blank verse, sonnets, rhyme, haikus and linked haikus on a wide range of subjects. It is available both in electronic and paperback versions. The eBook versions include some direct links to sample poetry readings. Although the paperback and eBook versions of the book are available at most book retailers, the free download offer (no coupon needed) is available only at the following link: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1035449.

The following is a teaser sonnet for the book I posted today at AllPoetry.com.

On Echoes of Dawn at Dusk

Two decades passed since my first book of poems,
It was past time to publish volume two,
The sands of time weigh heavy on my bones,
And my road narrows with yet much to do.

Too many friends have now passed through the veil,
As have my parents and their siblings all,
My circle narrows, empty now my vale,
In sleepless nights I can but hear their call.

So many dreams deferred that now have died,
My negligence bereft them of their life,
So many doors left closed I should have tried,
No hope remains for me or for my wife.

Even my music echoes distant, dull,
But poetry can for a time pain lull.

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